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byAlma Abell
No one like the idea of going to a couple’s counselor, but at times it may be the best way to save or renew your relationship. Working through your issues is an important part of a healthy relationship, and couples counseling is there to help you work through the issues. So, how can you know when you may need to consider couples counseling in Minnetonka?
You Feel Your Partner Should Change
If you are having issues in a relationship and you feel that they would all go away if your partner changed, then it may be time to talk to a therapist. You should always communicate with your partner, but a therapist can help you establish this communication. You should never assume the problem is one-sided. A couple’s therapist will help you see through any biases and see both sides of the situation so you and your partner can move forward.
You Have the Same Arguments
Having the same argument time and time is not a sign of a healthy relationship. Often this is because of one person’s “triggers” or certain things that upset them more than it would someone else. Examples may be dirty dishes in the sink or laundry being left out. These are small things to most people but can be extremely irritating to others. If you tend to go off about something like this, then your partner may not understand why. A therapist will help you get to the root of the issue and move on. It may be a simple misunderstanding or lack of communication, but if you want to make sure your relationship is the best it can be then you need to work on any issues.
There are several reasons to seek couples counseling, but if you are committed to the relationship, then it is worth the time. Couples counseling can help you figure out the problems in your relationship that are causing issues and move past them to form a healthier one.
If you are seeking couples counseling in Minnetonka, contact River Ridge. You can learn more about them on their website at www.riverridgemn.com.