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Submitted by: Vanni Jain
We must start with understanding that what people perceive about sex education and what is it indeed. Usually, people refer it to the misrepresentation of the sexual behavior of human beings. However, it is the proper knowledge of the sexual relationship and sexual identity of the human beings. It is the process of having complete information about the sexual relations and its various aspects. Thus, it is very imperative to impart sex education in Hindi to the people who only understand Hindi language. However, it is called sex Gyan in Hindi which refers to the comprehensive knowledge of sexual behavior and preventive measures.
What must be aim of sex education?
Usually sex, education must be imparted or taught with the purpose of making people understand about the negative aspect of wrongly done sexual relationship and provide them knowledge of preventive measures. Make sure that sex education must be imparted in the language that can be easily understood by the people. Thus, there must be sex education in Hindi for Indian people who dont understand English language.
1. Complete details of the preventive products such as contraceptive pills for preventing unwanted pregnancy, condoms for preventing STD and other infections.
2. Complete details of having safe sex.
3. Taught them different aspects of sexual behavior and let the people learn the way of making their sexual life constructive rather than destructive
4. Sex Gyan (sex education) enhances the quality of the relationship among the partners.
Sex education develops some skills:
1. It develops the skill to make the sexual relationship safer by communicating with partners before the sex.
2. It enables people to make strong and right decision.
What kind of information must be taught?
Usually, sex education consists of multiple aspects of sexual behavior ranging from foreplay to intercourse.
Sexual development and reproduction – Complete information of the sexual or hormonal changes from puberty to the adult stage must be imparted. Moreover, reproduction process will be taught such as egg fertilization and conception.
Birth control and contraception In sex education course people will get to know of the methods to prevent unwanted pregnancy or stop the birth of the child such as using contraceptive pills or using condoms during intercourse.
Relationship It covers the aspects of the impact of the sexual behavior in the relationship of the partners. Here people will get to know how they can develop strong relationship with their partner.
These are the points that sex Gyan (Sex education) consists. Once again, sex education in Hindi must be available for the people who only can understand the Hindi language.
Free Sex Education for Married Couples, Children, Teenagers and Adults. Sex education, is the process of getting information and forming ideas about sex, sexual identity, relationships and intimacy. Sex education is also about developing young people’s skills so that they feel confident about acting on these. It is generally accepted that young people have a right to sex education and in India it is the most debated topic. This is because it is a means by which they are helped to defend themselves against exploitation, abuse, unplanned pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS.
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